Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Half a year old!

Well, Mason is 6 months old today!  It is hard to believe!  He rolls, spins, scoots, and lifts his little butt into the air!  He wants to move SO bad, but just can't do it!  He gets so frustrated and spends much of his day grunting and trying to get things that are out of his reach.  His new favorite thing to play with is his carseat (of all things!).  He somehow gets himself across the carpet to get his upper body in it and play with the straps (How come he doesn't like it when I put him in it?).

Those are some photos of him getting over to his "playtoy" just last night.  He also started solid foods 2 weeks ago.  He was not satisfied enough with mommy's milk, so we decided to introduce it.  It was a complete success!  His favorites now are sweet potatoes and bananas!  Peas...not so much.  They make him cry everytime I try to feed them to him.  He is very similar to his Aunt S'! 
Daddy will be back in about 7 months, so we are looking forward to that!  We are spending the deployment on the mainland with family.  Here is a photo of daddy and Mason before they said goodbye:

And here he is this morning at a happy 6 months half birthday!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Long Time, No Post

Alot has happened in the past 4 months.  Mason has grown.  Grown doesn't seem to quite cover it!  He is growing up way too fast!  He will be 5 months old on Sunday.  Everyday he learns something new.  He brings tears to my eyes when we laugh together (not because I am sad, but rather because he is SO funny).  He is definitely a product of his super goofy parents.  Today we were in hysterics for a couple minutes because he loved it when I shook his rattle.  Then it ended abruptly because I think he scared himself laughing that hard; he could just not stop!  We started cloth diapering full time this week and I love it!  I wish I would have cloth diapered from birth.  It saves so much money and he never has leaks or blowouts OR rashes!
Dan has been gone for over a month to pre-deployment training.  Little man and I are eagerly awaiting his arrival home in one week!  We miss him so much!  He calls us as often as he can and Mason just loves listening to his daddy talk on the phone.  I promised to make him some of his favorite home-cooked meals when he gets home, since he is so tired of the nasty food he has to eat in the military.  Not that I don't cook every night, it's just that he doesn't always get to pick what is put out in front of him ;)
Dan and I both are taking courses through Hawaii Pacific University.  While Dan had to put his courses on hold for military duties, I managed a 3.15 GPA.  Not A's, but I will take it! 
I started going to Protestant Women of the Chapel for Bible study.  I would love to go to our church's Bible study, but Mason can't handle the late night.  Our Bible study is in the morning and takes up a good chunk of my Tuesday.  I am learning alot from the study.  God continues to show his love through his many abundant blessings.  You can really see God's love in his conviction and discipline, I have found.  Mason goes a few rooms away from me during the study (I tried bringing him in with me because he is just barely under the age limit allowance, but he was quite the distraction with his charming smile and frequent yelling).  The nursery workers just text me when he needs to eat.  He does great in there.  In fact, I think it is good for him so he doesn't get too attached to mommy.
I also have started sewing.  I am teaching myself, so it is definitely a skill in progress.  I made an apron that I am proud of and a firefighter blanket for Mason (although that one had a very funny story to it, but I won't inform everyone as to save myself the embarrassment of a rookie mistake). 
 Mason at 2 months
 Another at 2 months
 3 months
 Sleeping with daddy at almost 4 months before he left
My apron

Mason the other day at almost 5 months

We are doing well over here and are awaiting our trip to Washington to see family before Dan's deployment.  Please pray for his safety while he is gone in Afghanistan. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1 month old!!

Mason is one month old today!  It is crazy how fast this month has gone by, it seems like he was born yesterday!  He is growing like a weed.  I weighed him here at home cause he doesn't have an appointment until he is two months old, and the scale said he is already a whopping 11 pounds 4 ounces!! You can definitely tell how much he is grown!  When we are out and about, I get asked how many "month's" old he is...mind you this was before he was even a month old!!  Everyone always exclaims about how big he is!  His collarbone should be completely healed by now or within a few days!  He is doing great!  Eats like nobody's business.  He was also baptized this past Sunday!  We are extremely blessed!
 This is a picture from his baptism...apparently I couldn't smile haha.
This is Mason today at one month! Look at all this new chunkiness!!

On another note, Dan is gone for a month to pre-deployment training.  He will be home for two months, then he has to go to another month's worth of training.  Then he will be home for a month or so and it is off to Afghanistan for 7 months.  It is going to be very tough, but we are putting our trust in God's hands.  Dan is going to miss alot of Mason's big milestones.  We will be going back home to the mainland for the duration of his deployment.  Hopefully it goes by fast so our family can be together again. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Boy!!

On April 25, 2011 at 3:11 p.m. HST we had a little boy named Mason! He was 8 pounds exactly and 19 inches long!  He broke his collarbone on the way out due to shoulder dystocia, but it is healing well and should be healed by the end of May!  He is a beautiful little boy and we are extremely blessed!
Here is our little guy!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Well, I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I would put a post up :)  A couple weeks ago, my cousin and his girlfriend visited us from the mainland.  Anywho, while they were here, D had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix!  I know it is a minor surgery, but I didn't like the idea of it happening to my husband!  It all went well and he had surgery at 11 pm on a Sunday night and was discharged from the hospital at around 1 pm on Monday afternoon!  We are extremely happy that it didn't happen near the baby's due date!  He was a trooper about the surgery though, and even went to the Labor and Delivery Tour and the Childbirthing classes at our hospital on Tuesday!  What a dedicated husband and soon-to-be daddy :)  Now we are over 36 weeks pregnant and getting ready to meet our little one soon!  Getting pretty anxious!  He/She is head down and dropped a smidge.  Eases my earlier worries, since baby was transverse.  Only a few more weeks and we will be a family of three!  So excited! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Labs drawn tomorrow..yuck :/

Tomorrow I have to take my gestational diabetes test and have my labs drawn again :(  I am so afraid of needles.  It isn't associated with pain, they don't hurt.  In fact, I don't even really notice they are doing them when my eyes are so clenched shut.  It is because of a bad memory of my brother screaming while getting his blood drawn.  He was around 5 and they couldn't find his vein and I could hear him screaming from the lobby of our little tiny hospital.  Poor kid.  Anyways, it has had a lasting effect on me and I am terrified of them.  Trouble is, when you are pregnant I think they take every chance they can get to poke you with one.  Need your blood, think you should have this shot...I don't know how many they put in you when you are in labor, but I am NOT adding to it by getting an epidural.  That needle looks more like a straw!! NO WAY!! Not for me.  Ha.  Well, on Friday I have my doctors appointment and we get to hear little one's heartbeat again and see if he/she is growing right!  I look forward to seeing the doctor, which is weird.  Most people hate it, but I love the reassurance that our baby is doing just fine.  I am such a worry wart.  I am sure this will all go well!
So this is 27 weeks and 1 day of me.  Can't wait til the baby is out.  I am so short that the baby has nowhere to go but out.  I don't know how it will fit until 40 weeks, but they tell me it will. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

USS Arizona Memorial

My grandmother is here visiting and we decided to go to the USS Arizona Memorial.  They have you watch a film with actual footage from Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and then they take you by boat out to the memorial.  It was very sad, but very cool to see.  So many people died that day, but alone on the USS Arizona over 1,100 Marines and sailors were killed and trapped inside the ship. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

D's Current Challenge

We just recently found out that Dan has to work Sundays now.  The military is rough about that.  They don't care if you have a family or not or if you are a Christian.  Not even deployed, he works more than anyone I know and very hard too.  Yet he still comes home smiling everyday and is willing to help me with things at home.  Such a great husband!! While he will only be able to attend the evening service at the ministers house and it is Sunday, the Lord knows his heart :)  I am very blessed to have the hard-working and very loving military man I have, and the baby will be blessed to have him as a father!! Please pray for Dan in this time.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Made a blog!

New to this, but I made a blog since we are so far away from family! Anywho, just got home from Idaho.  Had a blast with the family, but glad to be home with D and T.  T has separation anxiety now since I was gone for a week, and I have to say (even though he annoys me most of the time) I missed my little baby dog ;)  D was very happy for me to be home too!   When I got home I put all the new baby stuff away and we got a few things at Target!  We love all the things from the baby shower, especially all the homemade things!  Now all we need is our sweet little one! Too bad we have 3 whole long months left.  We just can't wait to hold he/she, but I am still convinced it is a she.  Had a doctor's appointment and little one is growing perfectly.  He/She is around the 50th percentile!  Baby is very active and keeps me up most the night, but I like that...let's me know that little one is doing ok :)  Plus, it will be great practice!  We are 24 weeks and 4 days today and I am getting very anxious.  Can't imagine what it will be like near my due date! (May 3rd)
  S.G.  made this awesome cake for my surprise party!  It is a little Hawaiian baby (considering D's duty station) and was delicious!! No fondant, real frosting!  Feet and arms are entirely made out of frosting!
 Here is me today at 24 weeks and 4 days for Aunt S.  She really likes the pregnant pictures and I guess I am neglectful of posting them for her ;)